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Artist: AJR

The following channels include songs by AJR

Alternative Now!

Pushing the boundaries of modern rock


Nothing but hit music and today's biggest stars

HitKast Rock

The intersection of pop and rock

Indie 101

The hippest Alternative, the friendliest Indie


A mind-elevating mix of modern house, techno, and trance

Fifty/Fifty HitKast Holiday Blend

A 50/50 mix of today's hottest hits and music for the holidays

HitKast Remix

Remixes and club versions of today's hits

Running: 160-170 BPM

High-energy pop and hip hop to keep you moving at a 9-minute mile

HitKast Top '20s Hits

The best hit music of this decade... SO FAR!

2010s Alternative

The best Alternative from the past decade!

Magic Sunny Lite Party

It's an adult pop hit party -- high energy and lots of fun!

Rock Alphabet: "A" means axe-ceptional

From Aerosmith and AC/DC to Asleep at the Wheel and Arcade Fire, artists whose names begin with t...

Awesome Threesomes

Songs by trios like ZZ Top, Rush, and Jonas Brothers.

House Blend: HitKast + Big EDM Beats

Feel the heat of blend where the club and the radio are living under the same roof.

House Blend: HitKast Rock + Nu Metal + '90s Classic Rock

A rockin' blend created by Chelsea, an AccuRadio listener in Calgary.

House Blend: Blues + Adult Alternative

A unique mix of tastes blended by Ricardo, an AccuRadio listener in Brazil.

House Blend: HitKast + Tik Tok Trending

Oh so shareable. A trippy mix suggested by Lydia, an AccuRadio listener in Texas.

Alternative Now!: Best of 2023

It was like the '90s all over! Hear 2023 music from Fall Out Boy, Blink-182, Foo Fighters, Linkin...

2020s Adult Rock

Imagine Dragons, 21 Pilots, Glass Animals, Bastille, and more top rock and alt since 2020

2020s Alternative

The top since 2020 with AJR, Bastille, Billie Eilish, Blue October, Glass Animals, Imagine Dragon...


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