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Artist: Andy Grammer

The following channels include songs by Andy Grammer

Lighter Sunny Hits Mix

The ideal "at work" channel with pop hits and love songs.

Hotter Sunny Lite Mix

Fun and energetic adult pop hits from 2k to today

Lite Hits Classics

Adult pop hits from the '80s through the '00s

Magic Sunny Lite Mix

Great adult hit music, some softer, some hotter

2000s & '10s Lite Hits

Post-2K adult pop hits

The Whole Enchilada

Everything Country plays here, all mixed together

HitKast Fresh

Hit music on its way to the top!

Listeners' Top 100: Lite Hits

Our 100 highest-rated Lite Pop Hits

HitKast Feels

Hit music for when love triumphs, and fails...

HitKast Unwind

Put your stress behind you with a less intense mix of pop hits

HitKast Top '10s Hits

The biggest hits from 2010 thru 2019


Modern singer-songwriters crafting adult rock and pop songs

Running: 160-170 BPM

High-energy pop and hip hop to keep you moving at a 9-minute mile

We'll Get Through This: Positive Music

Positive, "chin-up" contemporary and classic pop for PMA maintenance.

House Blend: HitKast '10s + K-Pop Classics

Enjoy this custom blend of HitKast and K-Pop songs circa 2010-2015

Rock Alphabet: "G" grabs the gusto

Hit the gas with The Guess Who, Goo Goo Dolls, Gnarls Barkley, Guns 'N Roses and more.

Music from "Grey's Anatomy"

The songs from Shonda Rhimes' long-running ABC medical drama blockbuster

Terms of Endearment

Enjoy this theme of titles that include "baby" or "honey" or "darling." Songs like "Baby, I Love...

Mary Alice's Five-Star Radio

Packed with pop, hip-hop, country, songbook classics & sock-hop hits. Mary Alice mixed in reggae,...

Lisa Hertay's Five-Star Radio

Lisa is a country music fan who loves a dash of lite hits. She listens to AccuRadio in British Co...

Lite Hits: AccuRadio 500

The 500 "Lite Hits" rated highest by AccuRadio listeners.

Hotter Sunny Lite Mix featuring Adele

Passionate adult pop hits with the songs of Adele's "30" album at center stage.

Motivation Pop

Positive, energetic Adult Hits to start your day, or when you need encouragement

Quitting Time Pop

Fun & happy Adult Hits to end the day, kick off the weekend, or celebrate your hard work

The "Awesome" Channel

Songs that make you feel on top of the world!

Victory & Defeat

Songs about winning and losing

Making Magic

Songs with more than a little hocus pocus


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