Check out our brand-new 2020s channels in 11 different genres!

Artist: Ariana Grande

The following channels include songs by Ariana Grande


The best R&B from today's top artists


Nothing but hit music and today's biggest stars

Holiday Pop

Your favorite contemporary pop stars sing holiday music!

Holiday Pop/Rock

Holiday classics from artists like Coldplay, Bon Jovi, Faith Evans, Sarah McLachlan, and more!

R&B and Gospel Christmas

A spiritual and soulful experience with The Winans, Take 6, Stevie Wonder, Toni Braxton and more.

Christmas Originals

Holiday music beyond the tried-and-true dozen songs everyone knows

Christmas Party

An upbeat soundtrack for your holiday celebration with Taylor Swift, Seth MacFarlane, Gwen Stefan...

Modern Christmas Classics

Iconic modern holiday songs, that have already earned the mantle of "classic"

Radio North Pole

Songs about Santa, his reindeer, and the elves.

Holiday Music: Wide Playlist

The widest playlist of holiday songs you'll find anywhere -- over 17,000 songs!

Happy New Year!

Songs for wintertime, snowfall, skating, and New Year's Eve

Holidays Radio

A multi-genre mix from Bing Crosby, Pentatonix, Mariah Carey, Nat King Cole, & more.

Number, Please!

Songs that are much more than 1s & 0s. Nothing but numerical tracks of all kinds.

R&B Christmas

Celebrate the holidays with Whitney Houston, The Temptations, Aretha Franklin, Luther Vandross & ...

Best Hip Hop and R&B: 2013

With hits from Toni Braxton & Babyface, Usher, and Keyshia Cole

This Is Music: 2013

With Robin Thicke, Taylor Swift, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, and more

R&B Backyard Party

It's your soundtrack to an R&B backyard BBQ

Love Is a Bummer

Pop & alternative rock, for the sad, the cynical and the scorned

Pride Tracks

Dancefloor anthems, diva ballads, Broadway show-stoppers and more. Feel the Pride!

Listeners' Top 100: HitKast

The Top 100 listener-rated hit music songs

Listeners' Top 100: R&B

Nothing but your top 100 R&B picks

HitKast Feels

Hit music for when love triumphs, and fails...

HitKast Energize

High energy pop & dance like the morning sun in your eyes

HitKast Unwind

Put your stress behind you with a less intense mix of pop hits

Today's R&B Love Songs

R&B and Neo Soul romance

Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time

For the first time in 17 years, Rolling Stone completely remade their list of the best songs ever...

HitKast Top '10s Hits

The biggest hits from 2010 thru 2019

2010s R&B

A round-up of R&B's best from 2010 to today

HitKast Jams

Today's biggest hits + the hottest hip hop

Listeners' Top 100: 2000s R&B

Listeners' top rated R&B songs of 2000-2009

Fifty/Fifty HitKast Holiday Blend

A 50/50 mix of today's hottest hits and music for the holidays

Party Like It's 2025

Party jams to usher in the new year

Divas Divine

Powerful voices, glamorous personalities... these ladies are diva-tastic!

R&B Afternoon Commute

R&B classics and hits for your drive home and to celebrate the end of the workday

HitKast Remix

Remixes and club versions of today's hits

Land of 1,000 Dance Songs

A huge collection of songs, of all varieties, that are great for dancing

Walking: 120 BPM

Today's hits paced to accompany your next brisk walk

Running: 160-170 BPM

High-energy pop and hip hop to keep you moving at a 9-minute mile

Running: 140-150 BPM

Mid-tempo pop, R&B, and hip hop hits to match your 11-minute mile

HitKast Top '20s Hits

The best hit music of this decade... SO FAR!

One Song Radio: "Santa Baby"

Enjoy this racy Christmas classic!

Sexy Time Songs

Sizzling songs of passion and intimacy

Pop's Top Women Performers NOW

Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish, Dua Lipa and more of the women creating today's hottest pop

40 Women for the 21st Century

Women whose musical impact is at its height now (or recently): Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, Adele, Lana...

We'll Get Through This: Positive Music

Positive, "chin-up" contemporary and classic pop for PMA maintenance.

House Blend: HitKast '10s + K-Pop Classics

Enjoy this custom blend of HitKast and K-Pop songs circa 2010-2015

TikTok Trending

Rising stars and classic favorites going viral on TikTok this week

Summer Hits Party

Rhythmic party hits for those sun-drenched days by the pool, at the beach, or on the road!


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