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Artist: Blackfoot

The following channels include songs by Blackfoot

Classic Rock '78 and Beyond!

Classic rock's second generation

High Voltage Classic Rock

Harder cuts from Van Halen, Aerosmith, Def Leppard, GN'R, and Scorpions

Classic Rocktopia

The 1,000 greatest songs in rock history -- by the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Who, Pink Flo...

Heavy '70s

Classic hard rock and proto-metal

Holiday Rock

Rock renditions of holiday sentiments.

Holiday Music: Wide Playlist

The widest playlist of holiday songs you'll find anywhere -- over 17,000 songs!

We're an American Band!

Classic R-O-C-K from the U-S-A!!

Five O'Clock Classic Rock

Upbeat Classic rock for when the workday is over (or you wish it were!)

Classic Rock Album Cuts

Great songs you may not have heard for a while (or have yet to discover)

Classic Rock Road Trips

Great classic rock for driving. Tune in and start 'er up!

Road Trippin' Radio

A soundtrack for packing the trunk, filling the tank, and hitting the road with songs suggested b...

Southern Rock

Sometimes you just need two drummers

Muscle Shoals Sounds

Classic soul & rock crafted at the legendary Muscle Shoals Sound and FAME Studios

The Dude's Classic Rocktopia

Inspired by the movie "The Big Lebowski," here's our Classic Rocktopia channel with NO EAGLES!

Rock Alphabet: "B" is Band-tastic

A boatload of Boston, the Beatles, the Byrds, the Bangles, Bon Iver, James Brown, Jackson Browne,...

Riding The Rails

A crowdsourced channel filled with songs about trains and tracks and choo choos.

House Blend: Classic Rock Road Trip + Classic Rock Tailgate Party

A rock blend with a journey AND destination, suggested by Phil, an AccuRadio listener in Denmark.

Five Decades of Rock

For rock fans who love it all... '60s-'00s

Focus Classic Rock

Familiar Classic Rock songs to help you focus and be productive

Quitting Time Classic Rock

Fun & happy Classic Rock to end the day, kick off the weekend, or celebrate your hard work


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