Oldies Pop
'60s Oldies minus the rock, folk, and R&B
The Most Oldies
Our entire Oldies library -- featuring your favorite hits from the late-'50s through the mid-'70s
Oldies 1955-64
Rock & roll's first great decade
Oldies 1964 & Before
Pop music before the Beatles hit America
Christmas Originals
Holiday music beyond the tried-and-true dozen songs everyone knows
Blue & White Christmas
Tons of renditions of "Blue Christmas" and "White Christmas"
Holiday Music: Wide Playlist
The widest playlist of holiday songs you'll find anywhere -- over 17,000 songs!
Fifty/Fifty Oldies + Christmas Blend
A half & half mix of Oldies hits and Christmas favorites
Girls Girls Girls
How many songs are there about Mary, Peggy Sue, Carol, and Suzie-Q?
One Song Radio: "Blue Christmas"
Featuring dozens of different versions of Elvis Presley's beloved 1957 hit
True Sound of Philly
Patti LaBelle, Stylistics, Hall & Oates, Boys II Men and some locally-famous gems that make Phil...