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Artist: Goo Goo Dolls

The following channels include songs by Goo Goo Dolls

Classic Rocktopia

The 1,000 greatest songs in rock history -- by the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Who, Pink Flo...

1980s & '90s Lite Hits

Fun & lite adult contemporary hits.

1990s & '00s Lite Hits

Adult contemporary pop 1990-2009

Lite Hits Classics

Adult pop hits from the '80s through the '00s

1990s Alternative

The best '90s alternative music essentials! Tune in to the greatest alt-rock bands and the top so...

'90s Pop Alternative

Alternative pop songs that became mainstream hits

Alternative Rock Classics

Classic Alternative rock with a '90s-era focus

Power Ballads

Emotive rock songs. Lighters up!

Adult Rock

More eclectic than Classic Rock, more chill than Alternative

Adult Rock: The Rockers

Adult Rock for grown-ups who still like it (a little) loud

HitKast Rock

The intersection of pop and rock

Christmas Standards

Tons of versions of classic holiday pop standards

One Song Radio: "Have Yourself a Merry..."

A celebration of Hugh Martin and Ralph Blane's 1944 Christmas classic

Holiday Rock

Rock renditions of holiday sentiments.

Christmas Originals

Holiday music beyond the tried-and-true dozen songs everyone knows

Christmas Party

An upbeat soundtrack for your holiday celebration with Taylor Swift, Seth MacFarlane, Gwen Stefan...

Radio North Pole

Songs about Santa, his reindeer, and the elves.

Holiday Music: Wide Playlist

The widest playlist of holiday songs you'll find anywhere -- over 17,000 songs!

Classic Hits

All your favorite '70s & '80s hit music: Madonna, Prince, Billy Joel, Fleetwood Mac, and Journey

Listeners' Top 100: Alternative

The Top 100 listener-rated Alternative rock songs, new and old

Listeners' Top 100: Adult Rock

The Top 100 listener-rated Adult Rock tracks

Magic Sunny Waiting for Tonight

Spirited adult pop for when it's nearly time to clock out

Indie Rock Christmas

Indie rockers in the holiday spirit

Classic Rock Tailgate Party

Sunshine, drinks, brats, football, and Classic Rock for the party!

'90s Classic Rock

Great rock of the '90s and classic rockers' later recordings

Classic Rock Covers

Great classic rock...remade!

Classic Rock Dreams

Relaxing classic rock for a mellow mood

Maximum Coverage

Artists pay tribute to the great songs of others. You many not even have realized that all of the...

Power Pop Overthrow

Shake some action here! Big guitars and bigger melodies.

1990s Hits

The hits that defined the decade

Greatest Love Songs of All

A thousand of the very best Pop, Oldies, Country, and Soul Love Songs of all time!

The Carols Catalogue

Long-loved recordings and newer renditions of traditional Christmas carols (no "pop" compositions...

Feel Good '80s & '90s

Spirited tunes from the '80s and '90s to get you motivated and moving


Songs of love, loss, redemption, and regret

Girls Girls Girls

How many songs are there about Mary, Peggy Sue, Carol, and Suzie-Q?


Modern singer-songwriters crafting adult rock and pop songs

Curator's Choice: Deck the Halls with Denise

Relax with a holiday channel featuring Stevie Nicks, Clint Black, and Aretha Franklin, from Denis...

This Is Music: 1995

It's been three decades since these tracks ruled the airwaves and MTV...

This Is Music: 2000

Our collection of hits from the year that launched the 21st Century.

Music from "Superstore"

Season 6 of NBC's hit comedy, about the staff at a big-box store called Cloud 9, is here. Oh, and...

Music from "The Boys"

Tracks from the superhero web TV series "The Boys" -- the best show on Amazon Prime right now

Rock Alphabet: "G" grabs the gusto

Hit the gas with The Guess Who, Goo Goo Dolls, Gnarls Barkley, Guns 'N Roses and more.

Alt & Modern Rock: 1995

Driving the mid-90s at their best with the year's best tracks.

This Is Music: 2005

Essential 2005 tracks Black Eyed Peas, Carrie Underwood, Rob Thomas, Lifehouse, and Gorillaz

This Is Music: 1998

"The Boy Is Mine," Cher's "Believe," and the hits from the Titanic and Armageddon soundtracks

Easy Breezy

Keep it light with extra-easy pop hits from the '60s, '70s, '80s, and '90s

Rockin' 1998

Everclear, Goo Goo Dolls, Metallica, and the rise of "nu metal"

This Is Music: 1996

Mariah Carey & Boyz II Men's 16-week No. 1 "One Sweet Day," KISS reunited, Tupac died, and the Sp...


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