Smooth Jazz Vocals
Smooth Jazz + smooth voices
Mellow Smooth Jazz
The perfect background Smooth Jazz
Rock the Yacht
Setting sail on a sea of smooth Yacht Rock grooves
Smooth Jazz: In the Beginning
1987-1992 era Smooth Jazz, with new age and vocals
Quiet Storm
Slow tempos, relaxed rhythms... it's where Smooth Jazz meets R&B
As Heard on TV: Hits Used in Commercials
All those great songs you hear in television commercials!
Karla Orr's Five-Star Radio
An eclectic mix of rock, pop, and soul from Karla, who listens in Canada. This trip includes 1,00...
R&B Throwback: 1980
With Kool & the Gang, Chic, Pointers, Teena Marie, and the Whispers
Lisa Hertay's Five-Star Radio
Lisa is a country music fan who loves a dash of lite hits. She listens to AccuRadio in British Co...
House Blend: Rock the Yacht + The Wedding Reception
Two great groovin' experiences in holy matrimony. Like a line dance on a giant raft.
House Blend: A Flock of '80s + Rock the Yacht
A blend best described as "new wave high rent pop" -- suggested by Joe, an AccuRadio listener in ...