Check out our brand-new 2020s channels in 11 different genres!

Artist: John Lee Hooker

The following channels include songs by John Lee Hooker


Classic and modern, acoustic and electric

Acoustic Blues

It's the Blues "unplugged!"

Christmas Originals

Holiday music beyond the tried-and-true dozen songs everyone knows

Spice Tracks

Non-traditional holiday music styles, artists, and songs

Wait, THEY Made a Christmas Record?!?

Holiday music from unexpected sources

Holiday Music: Wide Playlist

The widest playlist of holiday songs you'll find anywhere -- over 17,000 songs!

Classic Blues

The greats of the post-war to late-'70s era: Muddy, B.B., Buddy, and the Wolf

Labor Day Workout

Songs about working, getting a job, losing a job, and bringing home the bacon

Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time

For the first time in 17 years, Rolling Stone completely remade their list of the best songs ever...

Protest Songs

From Bob Dylan and Joan Baez to Stevie Wonder and Bruce Springsteen -- voices calling for change

Beaches, Guitars & Tiki Bars

Radio vet Bryan "Shark" Fitzpatrick's Trop Rock (or "Gulf & Western") mix of Country, Reggae, and...

Music from "Fargo" (Seasons 1-3)

Some of our favorite songs heard on the FX series "Fargo"

Music from "The Boys"

Tracks from the superhero web TV series "The Boys" -- the best show on Amazon Prime right now

Rock Alphabet: "H" satisfies the hunger

Feeding your ears with Harrison, Hagar, Hornsby, and Heart ... just to name a few.

Blues and Elvis and Somebody Else's Favorite Song

Inspired by a lyric in Steely Dan's "FM (No Static at All)," so lots of Steely Dan. (The "somebo...

Adult Rock 1989

Featuring Traveling Wilburys, Bonnie Raitt, R.E.M., and the Replacements

Listeners' Top 100: Blues

Our listeners' favorite Blues tracks based on song ratings.

Technicolor Radio

A rainbow of titles, or rather every color of the song prism is here.

Drink It In

Quench your thirst for songs about beverages and tunes with drinks in the title.

Moolah, Dough & Scratch

Songs that involve "cash" or "dollars" or "cents" either by way of title or lyrics.

Rolling Stone's Greatest Songs of All Time: '60s & Before

From the 2021 edition of Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time, a subset of just the Old...

Rolling Stone's Greatest Songs of All Time: '60s & '70s

From the 2021 edition of Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time, a subset of Classic Rock...

The Fashion Play

Songs about clothing, style and fashion.

House Blend: Lost '70s + Rolling Stones Greatest Songs of the '60s & '70s

A mix of songs that sit on a pedestal with tracks buried on the floor of your closet.

House Blend: Blues + Adult Alternative

A unique mix of tastes blended by Ricardo, an AccuRadio listener in Brazil.


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