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Artist: Kim Carnes

The following channels include songs by Kim Carnes

1980s Hits

Top chart hits of the eighties

A Flock of '80s

Pop, Rock and New Wave from the early MTV era

Holiday Pop/Rock

Holiday classics from artists like Coldplay, Bon Jovi, Faith Evans, Sarah McLachlan, and more!

Radio North Pole

Songs about Santa, his reindeer, and the elves.

Holiday Music: Wide Playlist

The widest playlist of holiday songs you'll find anywhere -- over 17,000 songs!

Classic Hits

All your favorite '70s & '80s hit music: Madonna, Prince, Billy Joel, Fleetwood Mac, and Journey

Listeners' Top 100: '80s Hits

Our 100 top-rated new-wave and pop hits of the '80s

Feel Good '70s & '80s

Uptempo '70s and '80s pop hits

One-Hit Wonder Classic Hits

To become a legend, sometimes all it takes is one...

Greatest Love Songs of All

A thousand of the very best Pop, Oldies, Country, and Soul Love Songs of all time!

Feel Good '80s & '90s

Spirited tunes from the '80s and '90s to get you motivated and moving

Mellow Gold Classic Hits

A softer mix of classic hits with a '70s & '80s focus

Vintage Pop Hits & More

Simply a great variety of decades of adult hits

Easy Breezy

Keep it light with extra-easy pop hits from the '60s, '70s, '80s, and '90s

This Is Music: 1981

Pop, rock, a little new wave, a little '9 to 5,' and all hit music of 1981

The Name Game

The theme is titles with proper names like "Barbara Ann" and "Hit The Road Jack." An adventure th...

Classic Hits featuring Billy Joel

Our greatest hits collection with the spotlight on Long Island piano man Billy Joel.

Rich Appel's Five-Star Radio

Favorite oldies, pop, and more from Rich Appel, our guru of TV/Film, Throwback, and Specialty cha...

Name Droppers

Songs that feature 'shout-outs' to famous people.

'80s-'90s Hits: AccuRadio 500

Our listeners' top 500 '80s-'90s Hits by song ratings.

Classic Hits featuring ABBA

Voyage is the first ABBA album in 40 years, hear all the tracks from it in a special version of o...

This Is Music: 1980

Top hits by Blondie, Queen, Olivia Newton-John, and "that guy who sings 'Piña Colada'"

House Blend: Magic Sunny Flashback + Mellow Gold Classic Hits + Motown Sound

An easygoing blend of vintage Pop and Soul

House Blend: Lost '70s + Beach Blanket Transistor

A custom combo inspired your old eight track tape collection

House Blend: A Flock of '80s + Rock the Yacht

A blend best described as "new wave high rent pop" -- suggested by Joe, an AccuRadio listener in ...

One-Hit Women

Wonderful women with just one big mainstream hit

Stress Relief '80s Hits

Comfortable, positive '80s Hits to wind down and recharge

Gold Medal '80s Hits

The 1980s songs with our listeners' highest ratings

The Most '80s

'80s variety to carry you through your day

Class of '85: Music of 1981-85

Your early-'80s school days: Huey Lewis, Mr. Mister, Duran Duran and "The Breakfast Club"

Class of '84: Music of 1980-84

Peak Journey, Billy Joel, Pretenders, Hall & Oates, and Air Supply, from your early-'80s school d...

Class of '81: Music of 1977-81

Journey, Foreigner, Stevie Nicks, and Juice Newton, yeah! Here's your music, 1981 grads!

Class of '82: Music of 1978-82

New wave classics from A Flock Seagulls and Missing Persons, plus "Eye of the Tiger" and a certai...

Class of '83: Music of 1979-83

We were locked on OG MTV more than our books back then. Here's what we heard...


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