Check out our brand-new 2020s channels in 11 different genres!

Artist: Patsy Cline

The following channels include songs by Patsy Cline

Country Roots

Music by the legends of Country from the '40’s to '80s

Hey Hey We're the '60s!

The sound of classic Top 40 AM radio

Oldies Pop

'60s Oldies minus the rock, folk, and R&B

The Most Oldies

Our entire Oldies library -- featuring your favorite hits from the late-'50s through the mid-'70s

Country Love Songs

Country songs of love and romance

Oldies Love Songs

Classic love songs from the '50s, '60s, and '70s

Oldies 1964 & Before

Pop music before the Beatles hit America

The Whole Enchilada

Everything Country plays here, all mixed together

House Blend: Melodies & Memories + '50s Country

Easy listening pop classics with a touch of '50s Country

Oh, Lonesome Me

Country music for broken hearts and lonely nights

The Irving Berlin Songbook

The songs of the 20th century's most-successful composer

Love Songs

The music of romance and deep feelings

Classic Country

That classic sound from Conway, Merle, Tammy, Willie, and Patsy

Real Country

Just authentic Country music, classics and contemporary, avoiding the slick & glossy "pop country...

History of Country Music

The threads that make up the rich tapestry of American Country music

In Memoriam

500 songs from artists whose absence is as profound as their contributions

Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time

For the first time in 17 years, Rolling Stone completely remade their list of the best songs ever...

Sunday Morning Coming Down

Hangover country -- it's it, and you're in it!

1960s Country

The rise of the Nashville and Bakersfield Sounds, and the emergence of country legends

Critics' Picks: Top Songs of the '60s

Derived from hundreds of critics' lists of the best music of the decade

Greatest Love Songs of All

A thousand of the very best Pop, Oldies, Country, and Soul Love Songs of all time!

Vintage Pop Hits & More

Simply a great variety of decades of adult hits

Songs from Tarantino Flicks

Rated R for language!! Iconic soundtrack tunes from films like "Pulp Fiction," "Reservoir Dogs," ...

Women of Country Music History

A Hall of Fame of the women who shaped Country music: Dolly, Tammy, Reba and so many more

40 Top Women of Music History

Iconic songs from 40 of music history's most important female Pop, Jazz, Country, and R&B perform...

Country Music SHEroes

Spotlighting the legends that paved the way to today's hit-makers and tomorrow's stars.

House Blend: Roots of Country + Roots of Reggae

Do these two great tastes go great together? Listen and find out!

Music from "Fargo" (Seasons 1-3)

Some of our favorite songs heard on the FX series "Fargo"

Rock Alphabet: "C" is for cool kids

Our cool collection of Clapton, the Cure, Cream, Creed, Crosby Stills & Nash, and more

Kurt Hanson's Five-Star Radio

A tasty mix of pop standards, '60s oldies, classic rock, Broadway, and modern alt-country. Kurt i...

Planets Aligned

Songs with titles that include planets and celestial bodies. A galaxy of records like "Venus" an...

Terms of Endearment

Enjoy this theme of titles that include "baby" or "honey" or "darling." Songs like "Baby, I Love...

Every Genre: AccuRadio 500

Our crowdsourced channel of listeners' 500 favorite songs across all of our genres.

Karla Orr's Five-Star Radio

An eclectic mix of rock, pop, and soul from Karla, who listens in Canada. This trip includes 1,00...

Patti Nevins's Five-Star Radio

Here's a collection of tracks that reflects Patti's love for '70s music, as she listens in Rhode ...

Country: AccuRadio 500

The top 500 Country songs as determined by listeners' song ratings.

Oldies: AccuRadio 500

The 500 "Oldies" rated highest by AccuRadio listeners.

Rolling Stone's Greatest Songs of All Time: '60s & Before

From the 2021 edition of Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time, a subset of just the Old...

Rolling Stone's Greatest Songs of All Time: '60s & '70s

From the 2021 edition of Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time, a subset of Classic Rock...

Channel Zzzz

Songs about sleep, dreams, and fatigue like "Dream A Little Dream", "Tired of Being Alone" and "E...

House Blend: Lost '70s + Rolling Stones Greatest Songs of the '60s & '70s

A mix of songs that sit on a pedestal with tracks buried on the floor of your closet.

The Lonely Ones

The hit-making heartache of songs like "On My Own" and "One" and "Solitary Man"

Golden Slumber

Songs about sleep for the end of Daylight Saving Time.

Country Yearbook 1964

The greats in '64, like Buck Owens, George Jones, Jim Reeves, Johnny Cash and Roger Miller


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