Check out our brand-new 2020s channels in 11 different genres!

Artist: Puddle of Mudd

The following channels include songs by Puddle of Mudd

Alternative Rock Classics

Classic Alternative rock with a '90s-era focus

2000s Alternative

Alternative rock hits in a new century

Classic Alternative: The Grind

Classic alternative rock's edgier side

HitKast Rock

The intersection of pop and rock

Top '00s Hits

Just the biggest hits of 2000-2009

Rock Out Workout

For when you want to work out something other than your neck...

Juggalo Jamz

Music from Insane Clown Posse, Psychopathic Records, and veterans of the Gathering. Whoop whoop!

Nu Metal/Post Grunge

Big, loud rock from Shinedown, Godsmack, Disturbed, and Five Finger Death Punch

Rock for the People

'90s/2000s heavy rock focus, with killer new music plus a few classic gems

This Is Music: 2001

2001 was ruled by Destiny's Child, Linkin Park, Alicia Keys, the Strokes, and Lifehouse

Rock Alphabet: "P" is Ponderously Potent

Play on the planets of Liz Phair, Pearl Jam, The Police, Psychedelic Furs, Pink Floyd and more!

Classic Alternative 2001

Weezer, Gorillaz, Coldplay, and Alien Ant Farm -- the top alternative rock of 2001

This Is Music: 2002

Your 2002 throwbacks from Nelly, Nickelback, P!nk, Avril, Ja Rule, and Jimmy Eat World

2K Rock Hits

Rock of 2000-2010, with Green Day, Killers, Nickelback and more

Mary Alice's Five-Star Radio

Packed with pop, hip-hop, country, songbook classics & sock-hop hits. Mary Alice mixed in reggae,...

Classic Alternative 2002

Top alt tracks of 2002: The Strokes, White Stripes, Chili Peppers, the Hives, 311, and Flaming Li...

Top 40: June 11, 2002

The biggest songs on the day "American Idol" made its debut on Fox.

House Blend: HitKast Rock + Nu Metal + '90s Classic Rock

A rockin' blend created by Chelsea, an AccuRadio listener in Calgary.

Five Decades of Rock

For rock fans who love it all... '60s-'00s

Rock and Alternative: 2003

It's all about White Stripes, Radiohead, Kings of Leon, Queens of the Stone Age, Blink-182...

Rock and Alternative: 2007

2007 rocked with Foo Fighters, Linkin Park, Chili Peppers, Seether and Stone Sour


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