1990s Alternative
The best '90s alternative music essentials! Tune in to the greatest alt-rock bands and the top so...
'90s Pop Alternative
Alternative pop songs that became mainstream hits
Alternative Rock Classics
Classic Alternative rock with a '90s-era focus
Adult Rock
More eclectic than Classic Rock, more chill than Alternative
HitKast Rock
The intersection of pop and rock
Classic Hits
All your favorite '70s & '80s hit music: Madonna, Prince, Billy Joel, Fleetwood Mac, and Journey
'90s One-Hit Wonders
'90s artists and their "one big splash"
Adult Alternative
Blending early modern rock (U2, the Cure, R.E.M.) with more current alternative (Coldplay, Arcade...
'90s Classic Rock
Great rock of the '90s and classic rockers' later recordings
Power Pop Overthrow
Shake some action here! Big guitars and bigger melodies.
1990s Hits
The hits that defined the decade
Feel Good '80s & '90s
Spirited tunes from the '80s and '90s to get you motivated and moving
Modern singer-songwriters crafting adult rock and pop songs
Rock for the People
'90s/2000s heavy rock focus, with killer new music plus a few classic gems
The Leopard Print Lounge Chair
By radio pro Donna Reed, mellow Classic Rock and laid-back Alternative for de-stressing, relaxing...
Rock Alphabet: "S" means Stoked with volume!
Get steeped in Saga, Santana, Stray Cats, Springsteen, Spoon, and Stone Temple Pilots.
This Is Music: 1998
"The Boy Is Mine," Cher's "Believe," and the hits from the Titanic and Armageddon soundtracks
Rockin' 1998
Everclear, Goo Goo Dolls, Metallica, and the rise of "nu metal"
Your Last Karaoke Song EVER!
The fate of the world rests on your karaoke performance of ONE song... what's it gonna be?
Drink It In
Quench your thirst for songs about beverages and tunes with drinks in the title.
Denise Oliver's Five-Star Radio
Denise lives in NJ and curates Classic Rock channels, but her personal tastes range far wider
'90s Sunset
A cozy selection of late-'90s alternative pop hits that just "feel like fall"
Crystal Eidson's Five-Star Radio
Enjoy these treasures from Alternative, Techno, '60s Jazz, '70s Classic Rock, and more. Crystal i...
Javier Porras' Five-Star Radio
Over 400 tracks that span Soul, Rock, Hip Hop, Alternative, and Lite Hits from 5 decades. Javier ...
'80s-'90s Hits: AccuRadio 500
Our listeners' top 500 '80s-'90s Hits by song ratings.
Alternative Rock 1999
It was the year of Everlast, Lit, Filter, Len, Hole, Moby, Korn, and Fatboy Slim
Timing's Everything
Songs about time from Cyndi Lauper, Green Day, Styx, and more!
House Blend: HitKast Rock + Nu Metal + '90s Classic Rock
A rockin' blend created by Chelsea, an AccuRadio listener in Calgary.
Five Decades of Rock
For rock fans who love it all... '60s-'00s
Fall Classic Hits: '80s & '90s
Twenty years of hit music to celebrate baseball's championship series
Stop the Music
Songs with dramatic pauses
Class of '99: Music of 1995-99
The age of Backstreet Boys, Alanis, the Wallflowers, and Shania
Class of '98: Music of 1994-98
Goo Goo Dolls, Lauryn Hill, Jewel, Semisonic, and New Radicals popped for your commencement