Check out today's Channel of the Day: "This is Music: 1965"

Birthday: Meat Loaf (9/27/47)

Born Marvin Lee Aday, the Grammy winner sold more than 100 million records. His first collaboration with composer Jim Steinman and producer Todd Rundgren, was "Bat Out of Hell" and released on October 17, 1977. Also well known for his performances in the films "Rocky Horror Picture Show" and "Fight Club," Meat Loaf entered Rock 'n Roll Heaven January 21, 2022. We're featuring his music on these channels.

Rock Alphabet: "M" Maximizes Mojo

The music of Meat Loaf, Midnight Oil, John Mayer, Mumford & Sons, Motley Crue, Moby, Muse, and more!

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More Channels From Birthday: Meat Loaf (9/27/47)

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