More Halloween Channels
13 Classic Horror Film Soundtracks
An unlucky 13 of the darkest and creepiest soundtracks in cinema history
Channel of the Witch
"Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered," "Witchcraft," "Season of the Witch" and more
Classical Dark & Spooky
Brooding, dark, and mysterious classical music
Gregorian Chant
Timeless vocal pieces to inspire calm and serenity
Scary film music, fun novelties, and frightful rock, pop, & classical
Halloween: Hard Candy
"Fright"-rock from Alice Cooper, Rob Zombie, Black Sabbath, and Misfits
Halloween: Sinister Ambiance
Chilling sounds effects and foreboding atmospheric music -- it's a horror film starring YOU!
Haunted Hits
A crowd-sourced channel of Adults Hits with "scary" sounding titles like "Love is a Stranger", "S...
Music from "Stranger Things"
Jump on your Stingray and get lost in the spooky sonics of Hawkins, Indiana.
Scary Halloween Sounds
Spooky, eerie, and weird sound effects and atmospheres
The Night Beckons
The Midnight Syndicate's scary soundtrack for your Halloween