Check out our brand-new 2020s channels in 11 different genres!

Staff picks from Patty, our Adult Rock and World Music curator

Leopard Print Lounge Chair
Hits are hits for a reason - they're great songs! That said, my taste has always gravitated in a more eclectic direction, so I like my hits sprinkled in with a mix with lesser-known gems. This channel does exactly that.

Acid Jazz
I love to get my groove on...and this channel provides a wonderful chill groove - the perfect backdrop to dining, working, or entertaining.

Mali Rocks
Working on our World Music channels seamlessly fits into my love of eclectic, rhythm driven music. One channel I DON'T program but enjoy the heck out of is Mali Rocks. It is expertly programmed, and I may or may not have nicked a song or two for one of my channels!

Check out our other staff pick pages below!

Paul's Picks        Eric's Picks        Todd's Picks        Gary's Picks

Jon's Picks         Rick's Picks        Bill's Picks


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