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Today's Commercial-Free Genre: "Positive Music" channels

October is Positive Attitude Monday, and TODAY these "positive" music channels are commercial-free!

We'll Get Through This: Positive Music

Positive, "chin-up" contemporary and classic pop for PMA maintenance.

Positive Music Lends Comfort in Trying Times

When our usual workaday moments of ordinary life were stripped away by social isolation and self-quarantine, it became quite clear how much we rely on them to buttress our emotional well-being. Coffee with a good friend. Dancing and drink and loud music at a club. A successful group project at school. A pat on the back from the boss. A hug from Mom.

Suddenly, we were cut off from so much of life that gave us reinforcement, encouragement, and joy. There was some solace in Zoom calls, television binges, and new hobbies. But we had to lean on these pursuits so much more than usual, given the absence of more physically/socially-focused moments.Album cover of Louis Armstrong's What A Wonderful World

And some of us leaned very heavily on music.

Why not? Music’s therapeutic powers are well-documented. Since its inception, music has been used to inspire, encourage, incite, and of course, to soothe and heal. Music can also be an almost magical well of nostalgia – which in and of itself can be a great comfort during uncertain and trying times.

With this understanding, just as the first waves of bad news came in and quarantines began, we introduced the channel We'll Get Through This: Positive Music.

While the encouraging spirit of the lyrics and tempo were a must, it had to be familiar – the music had to provide the comfort of nostalgia.

AccuRadio Programmer Thomas ChauAccuRadio music specialist Tom Chau conceived and assembled the channel. “I was inspired by reading news stories of people and communities coming together. Classic songs such as John Lennon's 'Imagine' and Louis Armstrong's 'What a Wonderful World' went through my head and reminded me of the positivity that can come out of powerful, uplifting lyrics, he explained. “Artists from all eras and genres have tried to send messages of hope, love, and togetherness through their most powerful songs.”

While moms and their hugs won’t go out of business any time soon, music – and our Positive Music channel – can ease the loneliness of isolation. “Listening to these songs reminded me that even with the gloom resulting from the isolation and uncertainty of the world, we are never truly alone so as long as we choose to be there for our family, friends, and community,” Chau added. You can listen to We'll Get Through This: Positive Music right now on AccuRadio, and feel the joy!

- Paul Maloney

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